
Hi, I am Carol Hibschman, the  owner and Equine Sports  Massage Therapist and Level 1 Bio-Mechanics Trainer at Hands Healing Horses, LLC.

I provide you and your horse with complimentary options to improve your horse’s movement and pain through a variety of methods that are customized to meet your specific needs.

Like many people I was a star-eyed horse crazy girl who had to prove to her parents she was serious about horses.  When I started reading veterinary text books at age 10 they gave up.

I had 3 great horses during school and through college. Between college and RC, life happened including having to put down my cherished QH Cindy.

Then I was given a washed up racehorse.  Just the name and the timing was enough for me to take him.

RC Silver Tax

My husband, Roger and Carol – RC.

That year was our 25th anniversary – Silver.

And we had just survived a Tax audit!

With that much divine influence, who wouldn’t take a free horse, even though we knew a free horse is never really free.  So we weren’t surprised that he came with a few issues.  Trying to “fix” him has turned into a quest for answers and a passion for helping horses and owners.

Like I did at 10, I started learning as much as I could to get up to date. From Books, DVDs, TV, seminars, clinics, presentations, vets, farriers, trainers, University of Guelph and more.  On everything to do with horses: Training methods, nutrition, psychology, learning theory, anatomy, herbs & oils, vaccines & worms, field & manure management and on and on.

But none of that made any difference for RC’s problems.  It wasn’t until I worked with an Acupuncturist, that I found something that worked.  She also gave me the push to  focus my studies into Massage, Acupressure, Bio-Mechanic Training  and Trigger Points.

As she said “We are given the horses we need at the time we need them.  You already know more than all of my other clients. Wake up and do something with it!”

I think this was divine intervention again…even if I did need a reminder call!

After a lot of research I decided on the classes at Midwest Natural Healing for Animals and started the certification process.

As you can see from the photos, RC has really changed and for the better.  I am steadily building up specific muscles with the Bio-Mechanical training.  Correcting atrophied muscles is not a task of a few days or weeks but is accomplished by slowly and steadily building strength using specific exercises designed to encourage correct muscle use.

By going through the strength training methodically I will get to my ultimate goal faster. To do things right, It takes the time that it takes.

As I tried to express in my poem, if your normally willing horse is protesting there is something wrong.  Please stop and  look for what could be causing the protest.  If you can’t figure it out, give me a call.

I also work with less extreme issues from just limited range of motion, pain, lameness that appears, disappears or moves around.

For pre-competition, pre-show, pre-race tune up or to improve the recovery process afterwards. No mater your area of competition or use: driving, ACTHA trail rides,  team ropers, penning/sorting, barrel racers, dressage or hunter/jumpers, if your horse is off, your out of the money.

I am here to help your horse perform at their very best!

Your Sister in Horses,

Carol Hibschman

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